
I Finally Broke 20k

It only took me about 2xs longer than it should have, but I broke 2ok. This is an exciting moment for me, because the last 4k I wrote was all one scene. Oh I'm so proud of myself. I didn't even get bored while writing it!

How did I do that? Upon a friend's suggestion, I visited the website "Write or Die!". It's an awesome application. If you're having problems with continuous writing, give this site a try. It really helped keep me focused on what I was doing. (I took my writing at 500 words/10 mins with 10 min breaks in between sessions.)

So, I'm still behind, but I still have a way to keep myself on track for reaching 50k on Nov. 25th. I did discover, however, that my book will definitely be much longer than that. I'm at 20k and I haven't even reached the main mission of the plot, nor the second small mission. My poor little team of mercenaries are stuck on their first mission. But that's okay, because the plot hasn't died yet. It's just taking longer to mature. Good things are happening, and I am very pleased.

It just means I have a lot of work post-NaNoWriMo to do. Oh well, I guess. I am one to take on big adventures!

Well, that's all I have for now. Ta!

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