

I am sitting at my desk, waiting for something, anything, to happen.

I've spent all day playing online games, so I've had enough of those. I've read all the webcomics I wish to read for right now. I've listened to the same music over and over again way too many times, and, all in all, I don't know what to do next. A part of me wants to draw something. Another part of me wants to read.

I know what I really want to do, but unfortunately I can't do it. I want to write in my Moley, but I don't know yet if the company will want me to send this one back. So I can't write in it. What that eventually boils down to is I can't even do what I've been dying to do this past week until Moleskine sends me my new journal, which could be days, weeks, or months from now.

I like suspense, but not in this case.

That's all I have for now. Perhaps soon something more interesting will happen.

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