

On the 18th business day after I sent my notice, my replacement Black Hardcover Large Plain Moleskine notebook arrived in the mail, courtesy of Moleskine SRL, Milan. This clocks in over the two week mark (in business days), but I am very pleased nonetheless for the service. I can't wait to start jotting down my thoughts and all that goopy poop. It's so exciting!

I apologize that no new polls have come up or that the list hasn't changed. Once semester started here, things got really crazy really fast. I'll have a goofy list and poll up until the end of January. February will bring you back to updating lists and polls as scheduled unless otherwise notified here. And, I promise, it will show up here, if there are any changes.

All that monkey stuff aside, I should get to work on some of my homework. But before I do, I bought a PS3 and Lair, and all was awesome in the world. More on that later

That's about everything. Toodles!

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