

December Week 2's list is up, featuring my favorite figurines (the top being my top favorite, etc.). Beast Wars figurines claim a whopping majority with 3/5 figurines, and they probably would have had more except that I forgot the names of some of the ones I own. In any case, in just one more week, the voting for week 4's list ends. So, if you haven't voted yet: vote, vote, vote!

The past couple of days I have found time flying away from me faster than I can get back and say, "Woah! Where has the time gone?!" Fortunately, I have something to say now.

My sister bought me some crocheting supplies last Saturday, and I currently have about ten inches of a gray scarf! I am pretty excited about this. It's almost as cool as me maybe finishing this cross stitch I've had floating around for a couple of years...I may finish that...someday...maybe...

Anyway, not much else to report other than that. Until another time!

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