
More Changes

I have updated the poll. I'll let you devise your own theories about this one, but instead of polling for January list topics, I'm sending a different little brain-teaser at you. Just like last time, you can select multiple answers, but you must select them all in one casting. You can change your vote later if you want to. This poll with end by January 1st. Have fun!

I have decided that January will have four lists as well, and I'm using the runner up list from the last poll (favorite calendar themes) to bring in the new year. The poll starting New Year's Day will once again explore list topics. If the voting goes as well as this last poll, we'll have all the remaining lists decided in one poll and the rest of the month can be used for fun polls! There's your incentive to vote, people!

Also, I have done some techo-magic, and I can now text updates from my handy-dandy cell phone. That means I can bug you at any time from anywhere. Aren't you lucky!

I leave you with that. Until a future time!

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