
I've Got a Couple of Minutes...

I may as well post something!

I don't know if anyone else besides me notices (or cares), but every once in a while, I do change the slogan right beneath the blog title. They are always weird little lines. But, then again, I am weird. Of course, you probably have gleaned that by now...

Moving on, I just spent a wonderful evening watching webcomic artist Lar deSouza give a wonderful Ustream, answering multitudes are art related questions. A good time was had by all! And, if you are interested in anything that has to do with webcomics, I highly suggest you check this guy out. He does the artwork for "Least I Could Do" and "Looking for Group", both written by Ryan Sohmer. While I haven't been all the way through "Least I Could Do", I can highly recommend "Looking for Group" for anyone who likes WoW type games/fantasy/magic and pure awesome.

That's about all I have for now. Until a future time!

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