
Happy Thanksgiving!

My wishes are kinda late, but they are sincere nonetheless. I hope you and yours all had a wonderful holiday (or just plain old good day as the case may be). I myself spent a lovely day up in the Twin Cities with my relatives. There was lots of food, drink, and merriment.

I do not, however, feel so good right now. Two times over the two previous days (once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday), I hit my head (with a distinctive crack I might add) in the same place on the hard metal frame of a papasan chair in my room. I didn't feel any different until today. My head hurts, I have a headache (and I don't get those ever, to put it in perspective), and I just feel nauseous, even though I've had food.

I very well may have a concussion, and I still have a hefty chunk of NaNoWriMo to go. I will see how I feel in the morning. I'm going to do some writing now, but my head would appreciate it if I just kind of didn't do much.

Until later, be safe!

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