
It's Over!

In all respects, NaNoWriMo is over for me. I gave up with 25k and no will to finish the remaining 25k in two days. I am not disappointed, and I have a good start on a story I intend to continue.

With December starting on the morrow, I find that I have three categories in my poll with equal votes. Unless some magically appear before midnight, I'll just have one new list each week of December. The next poll will be for the 4th December list. The poll will end on December 15th, at which point January's poll will go up.

That being said, check back tomorrow for the new list, poll, and thought box. And, who knows, maybe something else will be new too... :)

Good night, and happy November 30th!


Happy Thanksgiving!

My wishes are kinda late, but they are sincere nonetheless. I hope you and yours all had a wonderful holiday (or just plain old good day as the case may be). I myself spent a lovely day up in the Twin Cities with my relatives. There was lots of food, drink, and merriment.

I do not, however, feel so good right now. Two times over the two previous days (once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday), I hit my head (with a distinctive crack I might add) in the same place on the hard metal frame of a papasan chair in my room. I didn't feel any different until today. My head hurts, I have a headache (and I don't get those ever, to put it in perspective), and I just feel nauseous, even though I've had food.

I very well may have a concussion, and I still have a hefty chunk of NaNoWriMo to go. I will see how I feel in the morning. I'm going to do some writing now, but my head would appreciate it if I just kind of didn't do much.

Until later, be safe!


Someone Should Be Here

With good music, beverage, and assorted snacks in abound, one would think that I'm having some form of party. Upon entering my room, the lights are pleasantly dim, a nice groove is going, and the air is jovial. I feel like there should be multiple people here, wreaking havoc in some sketchbooks, coloring books, or just reading books. Or, if that's not lively enough for you people, a couple of mad rounds of hard core Bananagrams (like, you can only spell four-letter words hard core).

Do I know how to have a good time, or what?!

Okay, so maybe that's a little strange for you. On the other hand, consider the reality; I'm the only one in my room with the snacks, beverage, and good music. And I'm writing. So, I guess I'll just have to have one mad solo writing party!

P.S. If my scanner wasn't downstairs and being poopy, I would doodle a little scribble of my avatar self partying with the caption: Wish you were here! You can imagine it instead! :)



I just finished listening to "Into the Electric Castle" by Ayreon. Next I'm going to listen to "Human Equation", and I'm going to write until my fingers give out.

Ironically enough, last week while I was writing, I typed so many words that my fingers began to get cold from loss of blood circulation. I took a bit of a break after that. I decided that my fingers were more important than that day's ending word count. Well, it's on to more writing!

Sorry for the boring post. But, life has its boring parts too! Ta for now!



While wandering around the local Target the other night with a bunch of good friends, I found the blasted destroyer droid figurine (from Star Wars) that I stopped to sift through all the Star Wars figurines to find. I had, however, found two different versions of the same figurine at another store and purchased both, despite the fact that they were very similar. It was with a bitter sting that I found the same toy at this Target when I had checked every single visit for well over a year.

Karma, are you spiting me?

Most likely. That bites.


New Post!

Hahahahahahahahahaha! You thought it was actually going to be intelligent! Bwahahahahahahah!


I Dislike Inventing Titles

Hello, everyone. This is going to be another short post.

I still don't have a title for my NaNo. And every time I come on here to post, I have to make a title for these things. And I usually don't know what to call them. You see, I like spending some time thinking about titles. But when you're just coming for a spur of the moment update, you really can't spend much time thinking about such things as titles or you'll lose all interesting in posting and you'll give up.

Long story short, I dislike inventing titles. And that is really all I have to say for today.

The cousins are visiting. They are going hunting tomorrow. I am sleeping in. Haha.



I Finally Broke 20k

It only took me about 2xs longer than it should have, but I broke 2ok. This is an exciting moment for me, because the last 4k I wrote was all one scene. Oh I'm so proud of myself. I didn't even get bored while writing it!

How did I do that? Upon a friend's suggestion, I visited the website "Write or Die!". It's an awesome application. If you're having problems with continuous writing, give this site a try. It really helped keep me focused on what I was doing. (I took my writing at 500 words/10 mins with 10 min breaks in between sessions.)

So, I'm still behind, but I still have a way to keep myself on track for reaching 50k on Nov. 25th. I did discover, however, that my book will definitely be much longer than that. I'm at 20k and I haven't even reached the main mission of the plot, nor the second small mission. My poor little team of mercenaries are stuck on their first mission. But that's okay, because the plot hasn't died yet. It's just taking longer to mature. Good things are happening, and I am very pleased.

It just means I have a lot of work post-NaNoWriMo to do. Oh well, I guess. I am one to take on big adventures!

Well, that's all I have for now. Ta!



I bought Star Trek today. :)

I did have to take a trip back to Wal-Mart though, because Mom picked up the blu-ray version instead of the regular dvd version. Whilst on that adventure I sent my best text of the day:
Nope. I'm trekking across Wal-Mart. Haha.

Oh, I'm so clever. XD (trekking, Star Trek...eh, eh?!)

Ok, folks. Sorry for the short post, but I've got 3k words yet to write and then some personal time with a certain dvd. Tootles!


Good Deeds

Just before I started writing this post, my sister popped into my room and asked me if I had journal I could part with. Anyone who knows me is already informed of my joy in collecting journals. For those who don't know: I love collecting journals. :)

Despite having a million of the things flying around, I only had two blank ones: a Celtic one and a brown/orange plaid one. I received the Celtic one as a gift, and I intended to use it as a travel journal, but I haven't really traveled anywhere since I've gotten it. Thus, I haven't used it yet. The other I bought a long time ago because I liked the design, but I just never got around to using it.

She chose the brown/orange plaid one. I'm glad it will finally get used. :)

And after several days of complaining, I was finally granted a new desk chair. My old one was not a very good chair, and it did not provide proper support. After spending hours writing at my desk, my back would be really sore. The new one is a leather executive style, and my back is already pleased at the difference. I can sit at my desk for hours on end and not have to get up and stretch every twenty minutes or risk muscle strains! I could always write in my recliner...but then I'd fall asleep...

In other news, I am grossly behind on my NaNo word count. So, to catch up, I am going to write as close to 4k/day as I can sanely accomplish this week. By Friday or Saturday, I don't remember which, I will have surpassed the recommended goal and reached the goal I wanted to be at. Then I can cut down my daily goal by half and get to 50k by Nov. 25th. After that, it's write as much as I can till Nov. 30th without having to worry about making the deadline. :)

There's only one thing left to do. I must go write! Ta!


Bananagrams and Diet Pepsi?

This is a good story. :)

So my friend and I, whom I will call "Din", are hanging out at the Acoustic Cafe. I breezed through my soda with dinner, because I was hungry and thirsty after a grueling three hour rehearsal with the church praise band. There I was, no soda in my glass, and I was very sad. But Din offered me fifty cents (that's two quarters), the price of a refill. I approached the counter, ordered my refill of regular Pepsi, and paid with my (Din's) fifty cents (that's two quarters).

But when I returned to the table, the soda tasted fishy. It was bubbly, a type of bubbly that distorts the mind of all previous bubbly sensations. And it made me wonder: is this Diet Pepsi?! After sipping about a tenth of the glass, I determined it was not diet.

I hypothesized that the soda was running low, so I was tasting that icky fountain stuff. My hypothesis was correct. I got my actual Pepsi refill, and all was well.

Even though it was well received when the glass of real Pepsi came, it has sat, half unfinished, for the remainder of the evening. That's fifty cents (two quarters) only half spent. Good thing I found a quarter (that's twenty-five cents) laying on the floor in front of the register. :)

And then we played Bananagrams. :)

I Missed Fri. 13th

You may not believe it, but I missed posting this on Friday the 13th by about 5 min. Oh well, I guess. You can't win them all.

I'm waaaaaayyyy behind on my word count. I need to get things into gear. I also have some art that I want to do. I just need to stiffen my upper lip and get writing done first...I have a loooong way to go to catch up...^.^'

Short post. Sorry! I may add another one if I have more to talk about tomorrow/today. Toodles!


Fun Evenings

I just spent a lovely evening with some friends. We went out to eat at Buzzard Billy's Flying Carp Cafe, and then watched "Julie & Julia". Though I had seen the movie before, I still loved it the second time around. :)

As such, I'm two days behind (again) on my word count. I intend to spend tomorrow working on it. Hopefully, I can get myself caught up. I'll take a crack at putting a dent in some words, but I doubt I'll get very far tonight.

I broke out the good old Crayola crayons and a neglected coloring book today, and I did some serious damage and had lots of fun. Now I'm enjoying a quiet end to a riotous, fun day. It's a shame these don't happen more often.

From me to you, good wishes in all you do! Until next time!


New Music

I found some music on iTunes that I want. Oh to have no money with which to buy it though...It's an album of African music and an album of Asian music. I listened to the previews, and they sound really nifty!

By the end of the day today, I want to have 15k words for my NaNoWriMo, which means I've got 2,300 words to go.

Before I go, I will mention that I was able to finish up a drawing I've only been working on for a month. It was very exciting to get done and posted.

That's all for today. Maybe one of these days I'll actually write something interesting. We'll see.


In the Middle of Things

I'm right in the middle of a writing session. As I was checking how I spelled my pen name on here for something in my story, I made the realization that this will probably be the best chance to jot a post down for today. Again, it will be short.

Instead of catching up on my lagging word count all in one day, I'm spreading it out over the coming week. I want to get my writing done so I can have a relaxing evening. Besides, I want to break out those new pencils. I didn't get the chance yesterday.

OK, that's enough jotting. Time to get back to writing!


I Like New Stuff!

I went shopping today. :B

I bought a new scarf that's a lot less formal than the one I have. I'm pretty pumped about it. I also picked up a package of 36 Prismacolor Pencils, because I've been wanting a pack for over a year now. I gathered some coupons and money off of the parents, and I bought them. I was really excited. I have yet to be able to use them, as I have been working on other things. But I look forward to sharpening them up and coloring the night away!

I have some NaNoWriMo to catch up on, so this is going to be another short post. But, still, I suppose it's better than no post at all!

That's all I have to so for now. Time to get some writing done!


Movie Night

Tonight has been a real movie night for me. I saw "Men Who Stare at Goats", and it wasn't too bad. On a scale of 1 to 5, I think I'd give it about a 3.8. It focuses around a certain type of humor, so it may be far-fetched for some people to enjoy. I was skeptical going in because of the mixed reviews I had read about it, but it turned out being better than I thought it was going to be.

Now I'm watching Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. It's awesome, because I haven't seen this movie for a really long time. After this one, I'm going to watch Episode 6, and then, since I don't have Episode 1 on DVD, I'll follow up with 2 and 3. (And maybe I'll watch 4 after that, but I've seen that one too much...) I don't intend to watch them all in one night, but since I just finished my Lord of the Rings marathon, it's time for a new one. I picked Star Wars. :)

I still have a bit of writing to do, so I think I'll do some work on that. Have a good evening!



So...I spent today coloring stuff and having good times! :D

I'm behind on my word count, but I've always left Sundays for catching up on stuff.

Sorry, for the short post. If it's any consolation, I watched a children's TV show today, and they talked about how everybody poops. It was pretty epic. :)

That's all for now. Till next time!


Torn Between Two Loves: The W&D Scandal

As I mentioned yesterday, I came up with this brilliant idea for Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series fanart. I spent a good portion of my background movie, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (extended edition), working out the sketch and finalizing 3/10 characters. I decided that this piece will not be inked, but it will be colored.

This, however, puts me in another predicament. I really want to keep working on that fanart, but I'm also falling behind on my word goal. I have about 6,700 words, and I need to have about 8,400 to stay on task. (Mind you, for my personal goal I should have had 10k done for today. Oh well, that's what weekends are for: catching up.)

So, unlike last night where I could just write about 700 words and be done with it, I have 1,700 words that need to be written. And I really want to stay on top of this fanart so that it gets done.

I'm torn between my loves Writing and Drawing. And it's quite a scandal.

I'd best do the writing first though, as that deadline is a little scarier. That means I'll talk to you fishies later!



Day four of NaNo, and I'm only about 700 words behind the NaNo staff's recommended daily word goal for today. I'm 2k short of my own goal, though, so I have a choice to make.

If I stick with my goal, I'll be soaring where I would like to be; I'll reach 50k on Nov. 25 instead of on the 30th. And then I can just see how much more novel I have left to go and write as much as I can before November ends.

If, however, I let today slide, I can work on some Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series fan art that popped into my head recently, which would be a relaxing deviation from hard core writing.

Of course, being that it's only 7:45, I could easily spend a couple of hours writing, and then spend the rest of my late night drawing (and inking and coloring).

It's all in the choices. I think I'll get cracking on that word count in any case, and we'll see how the rest of the night goes. But keep an eye peeled for fan art, if you're a deviantart follower!



Funky Tracks and Online Vids

So, I feel like such a sap because I've been listening to romantic songs all day (like Andrea Bocelli and Josh Groban). I like it, but at the same time, I'm wondering just what's going on in my head.

Once again, I'm leaving my writing to the later hours of the day. I have roughly 4,400 words right now, and by the end of the day I would like 6k. It's kind of a bad habit, but, at the same time, I have quite the excuse.

I decided today to catch up on the twelve episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged that I hadn't seen. It was a couple hours well spent. I spent so much time laughing and in an elated mood that I'm wondering just how I'm going to transition back to the more serious tone necessary for the scenes in my NaNo right now. It's a problem I am willing to tackle with determination. And, when I hit my goal, I promised myself a reward of beef jerky and X-Men III. (I watched the other two a couple nights ago...It's kind of a marathon thing.)

I was permitted to have Subway for dinner, which made me happy. And now I think I'm ready to go tackle some words.

Until a future time!


At Long Last

I took the time before starting my NaNo yesterday to change out all of the features on here to a November theme (the list to the right, and thought box and the poll at the bottom of the page). I meant to post an entry after that was done, but it slipped my mind, even after I had some of my daily writing done.

I'm standing at about 1,663 words. I was supposed to finish 2,000 yesterday. All that means is by then end of the day today I must have 4k or the zombies will be unleashed from my closet. (Yes, they are very sad that Halloween is over...Poor zombies...)

In other news, I'm obsessed now with keeping everything in manuscript form, and I spent a good half hour writing a short introductory scene from the point of view of a mouse. Good times.

Ta for now!