
Site Updates

I have finally changed the list and updated the poll. You may select multiple answers on this one.

I apologize for last week's lack of updates. Later in the day, I will post a longer story dealing with C2E2. But for now, I'll leave you with my brief list to ponder on that front!



Posts this week are going to be a little chaotic. Just a heads up!



I was going to make a fun riddle, but I'm too tired.

Sorry for the short post. More later.



I apologize once again for the missed update last Friday. It was another one of those "once I remembered it was Saturday" deals. I will go ahead and say that I suspect I will not be updating this Friday as well.

The reason for this is that I am going to C2E2 in Chicago this weekend. I am going to meet some people, buy some stuff, and hopefully get things signed. I am looking forward to it greatly, and, in time allows, I will go into more detail about it (before and/or after).

Another short one. Apologies again. Later!


Good Stories

I'm watching "Princess TuTu". :) For those who don't know, it's one of the best anime ever made, and it is perhaps one of the best stories I know. If you haven't seen/heard of it and you like cute stories, you should check it out.

Here ends the ad.

Some of you may be looking around the site, thinking to yourself that something is different. You would be right. I have decreased the number of posts visible at once in hopes of making the site easier to view. Maybe you won't even notice...>_>

Well, that's all for now. If you see other weird things happening, it's all just experimenting.



Monday, Monday

Every time I type in a title, I say to myself, "Have I used that before?" It's an irrational fear of mine.

Script Frenzy is well on it's way. It's another crazy week with classes. This is another post featuring simple sentences, I guess.

Because I had some time, I devised a new poll. You can't select multiple answers. Either answer based on which quote you like the best or which one you know the best (if you only know a select few). I got the idea whilst watching "Up". Good stuff, that. :)

Easter has come and gone with the yearly digestion of chocolate bunny effigies. Some sugary remains still linger in my little basket thing. I am savoring the flavorings. :)

Aside from that, not much going on. With the advent of summer, I hope to have more opportunities to use my tablet and infest this place with meaningless doodles. Huzzah!

Until Wednesday!


Short Update

It's a quicky tonight folks!

Script Frenzy is rolling along all right! I've got a good start, and I expect a lot of progress over the weekend. I had an awesome day, which included very good times and some "Sherlock Holmes". :)

I don't have much else. Sometimes I wish I had more interesting things to post than just stuff about me me me. I guess one just needs a little more creativity. :)

Till Monday!