
What?! No Post on Monday?!

It's true. It was another "I forgot" moment. And now I'm sitting at the edge of Script Frenzy, waiting to start writing.

I have a test and some odd assignments to finish. I apologize for the short post as well as no March poem. Don't forget to vote!

Eventually I will pull myself together. Thank you for your patience.


More Apologies

I apologize for no update on Wednesday. This has been the busiest week of my life, and it left me little time for much of anything. Most of the hassle revolved around a project for my 3-D Design class, and I spent a good deal of my waking hours this week losing my mind in clay. But it's all done now, so we can move on and be happy.

My Script Frenzy ideas have taken shape and solidified. I just have to doodle out some outlines. I am going to be pursuing three different comic projects I have going, and I'll be writing at least a page for each one a day. More details (and perhaps some samples!) will come in the future.

And, finally, just for you, I finally have a buffalo drawing. Also, the poll will be updated and I'll let it run through the end of the week. And, who knows, you may be seeing luck dragons and buffalo really soon...

I'll let you think about those things, and I leave you with a buffalo made with this wonderful procedural drawing tool courtesy of mrdoob.com.


Hectic Start

I've had a semi-hectic start to the week. It's just been a lot of running around, and starting a lot of projects, and sorting away a lot of unfinished business. Tonight I had a lot of readings to do and some other miscellaneous art assignments. Fortunately, I figured out one isn't due till a whole week from now, which definitely made bedtime a whole lot sooner! I'll probably get that assignment done soon anyway, as it's not long.

But you random people don't actually care about my homework, so enough of that.

I got an e-mail from Script Frenzy, a challenge similar to NaNoWriMo, except that you write 100 pages worth of script during the month of April. One of the script types was comic book, and since I've become so infatuated with them recently, I decided to download one of the free script writing programs. I fell in love, discovered how easy and fun it was for me, and signed up for Script Frenzy.

So, brace yourselves for some interesting times in April! Updates will continue as usual. Now I just need some ideas...

That is all my brain can muster tonight. So, good night for now!


Quick Post

Tonight I have a quick post just to say that the buffalo doodle will be postponed for next week. I'm thinking about what to do for the next poll (as well as the winner for this one). I am really tired, because I hung out with some really awesome people this evening. They have stolen all of my energy tonight. :)

Until Monday!


Happy Saint Patty's Day!

I hope you have enjoyed celebrating your Irish heritage today, even if it be an honorary heritage like mine for the day. I played a couple of jigs and reels on my Irish whistle, and now am enjoying a quiet night with some "Master and Commander" and a can of Pepsi.

I'm trying a new thing with the list. Though the title needs changing, over the course of the next week, I am going to add every strange event that happens. Most people say that they have no life, that they never get to see anything happen. I am guilty as well. This is an experiment of sorts to see just how extraordinary day-to-day life can be.

No buffalo tonight. Hopefully Friday will bring you your bison. I'm simply too fatigued to do much of anything. The weather around my part of the world has been extremely nice, and all of the trees and other plants are starting to wake back up. This means that my allergies come creeping back for a short time until the air levels off.

So, until next time, keep safe, and enjoy the rest of Saint Patty's Day! Or, for those who don't celebrate it for whatever reason, Happy Wednesday!


Apologies Again

Sorry again for no update on Friday. The situation was the same as last time. I have found what I believe to be a good solution to the problem. If all else fails, I will simply switch updates from Friday to Thursday.

A new poll is up and running, and the winner of the last poll was "buffalo". As it is the winner, you will see a doodle of a buffalo appearing on here within the next two posts. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I.

That's about it for this one. I'm about to start "Master and Commander" again for the umpteen-billionth time. It is only my absolute favorite movie in existence. :)

Until next time, I bid adieu!


2 Hours Left

There are two hours left on the poll, and "buffalo" is winning by 100%. It's going to be an exciting one folks!

I tried really hard to get some doodles going for this post, but was unsuccessful this time. Maybe by Friday. I really do want to get something more interesting up here.

I really don't have much else to say right now. I have a copy of "The Great Mouse Detective" here, and I'm pretty excited to watch that. I haven't seen it since I can remember. After that, it's back to the "Lord of the Rings"-a-thon. Good times, that.

Have a wonderful couple of days. Ta!


Doodles of Noodles

I apologize for not having an update on Friday. By the time it struck my brain, it was Saturday. Since I had posted spontaneously on Thursday, I figured it wouldn't be the end of the world if I just left it at that.

It's Spring Break at my college. That means that all of my time is going toward slacking off, sleeping in, reading comics, and doing whatever else suits my fancy. I am attempting to reacquaint myself with my tablet over break so that I can start posting some journal comic version updates here once in a while, for added intrigue. So I have been doodling lots of noodles for doodles sake.

...I think I've said too much.

If you haven't voted yet, please do! There are only two days left! And then the world ends! And did I mention that I am going to post a doodle of the winning entry?! Oh! I bet you'll want to vote now!

And don't fret; I'll come up with better polls soon.

Until next time!


Surprise Update

Surprise! Don't say I didn't tell you it could happen!

I realize once again how self-centered this blog is, and I'm trying to come up with creative ways to say things or to find a variety of things to discuss. For example, I have thought about making some updates in the format of a journal comic (which is exactly like it sounds, if you don't know). So, just know that I am thinking about you, the reader, and what might interest you.

If you have any ideas about things you would like to see, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail at tek1377@gmail.com. I'm speedy with the e-mail.



I found myself quoting "Meet the Robinsons" all day today. It's an excellent movie that I saw for the first time last weekend. I can't believe I hadn't seen it before then, but I don't regret having waited! I was in need of a good movie.

I went to a local bookstore today (it's kind of a second hand books type of place). I purchased a copy of Ayn Rand's Anthem, mainly because of its portable size of 123 pages, and I consumed it in a night. So today I purchased a longer novel for taking to classes with me, clocking in at over 400 pages. And the best part was it cost only $1.05! Talk about bargain books!

I love meandering into that store because I never know what they are going to have on their shelves. It's a great adventure simply buying the books, let alone reading them. Plus you get subjected to books you would never find at a store like Barnes&Noble (which I am a big supporter of). It's just a different type of book - the new versus the older. And sometimes it's nice to have a little variety in the things we read.

All right, enough ranting about books. I'm really tired, and I have a couple of tests coming up I need to study for. Time for bed. Goodnight!


Hello, March

So, today is March 1st. Yay! I have updated the list, and I apologize for its self-centeredness. If you have any fun Spring Break activities you would like to see included, drop me an e-mail at tek1377@gmail.com. All appropriate answers will be added to the list.

I'll update the poll by Wednesday, and the poem will be updated sometime during the month when I feel more creativity for writing. Think of it as something to look forward to! Or not! That's your prerogative.

Nothing else interesting to report. Later!