
I keep forgetting that I added this feature (texting posts). I really don't have any excuses for not updating. I'm waiting for class 1 of 3 to start. TGIF.

It is amazing how much laughter can improve your attitude. Most of this day was pretty normal. I was feeling ok, my mood was about the same. But spending just a matter of an hour and a half with some friends before my math class brought my mood way up. Of course, the fact that today is Friday helps a lot. In a strange way, I am actually looking forward to my courses. That is the magic of Friday.

That's about all I have for today. Moral of the story is spend some time laughing. It will do you good. :)

Till next time!



On the 18th business day after I sent my notice, my replacement Black Hardcover Large Plain Moleskine notebook arrived in the mail, courtesy of Moleskine SRL, Milan. This clocks in over the two week mark (in business days), but I am very pleased nonetheless for the service. I can't wait to start jotting down my thoughts and all that goopy poop. It's so exciting!

I apologize that no new polls have come up or that the list hasn't changed. Once semester started here, things got really crazy really fast. I'll have a goofy list and poll up until the end of January. February will bring you back to updating lists and polls as scheduled unless otherwise notified here. And, I promise, it will show up here, if there are any changes.

All that monkey stuff aside, I should get to work on some of my homework. But before I do, I bought a PS3 and Lair, and all was awesome in the world. More on that later

That's about everything. Toodles!



This is just a short post so that you all know I'm not dead.

The webcomic is not happening, at least not yet. Maybe during the summertime.

That's about all I have to say this time. Again, sorry it's short!


Waiting on an Angel

I'm not really waiting on an angel, but that's the song I have stuck in my head right now. And boy does it make for a catchy title! >_>

I started my (technically) first semester at college at the start of this week, and I have already changed my schedule multiple times. Anyway, I think I've finally found a schedule that works for me. It has involved me buying multiple sketchbooks and doing a lot of excess running around. But, I think things are finally going to settle down a bit.

I don't really have much else to say add right now. I'm really tired. Nighty night.



Because it bugs me...I apologize that "slimy" is spelled wrong in the poll.

Get over it. (Though that was more to myself...>_>)

Okay, that aside, I don't have much else to say. Classes start up again tomorrow (biology, math, and band). Fun...

I'm going to do some drawing. Possible update later in the evening. It all depends on how well things go.


More Updates

Originally I was just going to have a lame post that talked about how I discovered the joy that is dried strawberries. But then I discovered the poll was closed, which means updating polls and lists.

The new list features the most poisonous animals, as listed by listphobia.com. Multiple blogs also held the same information, and since this is a list for fun, I declare the information credible enough for our purposes. If you don't recognize an animal on the list, I implore you to give it a go on google, and see what you can discover about it. Learning is fun!

In addition to the list, the poll has also been updated. Because there were sufficient votes, the rest of the polls for this month will be purely for fun. This week's poll features the following prompt: You've just been handed a slug. What do you do with it?

You may not pick multiple options on this poll.

That's about all I have to say on updates. I'm having a bit of problems starting up a webcomic type thing right now. I hope to get it straightened out soon.

Stay tuned!


Thanks for Nothing, iTunes

iTunes is deciding not to play my movies. It will play my music just fine, but not my movies. And this is a big bummer, because I was half-way through Harry Potter 6, which I only possess in a digital version on iTunes. Thanks a lot for ruining that part of my evening.

I get to register for classes tomorrow and pick up my second laptop. Why do I need two? I don't, but WSU makes you have one. So, there you go. I'll have my PC to do all my hard demanding work, and a MacBook for going to class and taking virtually anywhere because I won't really care what happens to it.

Do not pick fights with me about Mac versus PC. I will just tell you: it all depends on what setup feels more comfortable to the user. I personally don't mind using either, but PCs work a little better for me than Macs. I find both capable machines.

Spiel over with, time for a movie. Bon voyage!



I am sitting at my desk, waiting for something, anything, to happen.

I've spent all day playing online games, so I've had enough of those. I've read all the webcomics I wish to read for right now. I've listened to the same music over and over again way too many times, and, all in all, I don't know what to do next. A part of me wants to draw something. Another part of me wants to read.

I know what I really want to do, but unfortunately I can't do it. I want to write in my Moley, but I don't know yet if the company will want me to send this one back. So I can't write in it. What that eventually boils down to is I can't even do what I've been dying to do this past week until Moleskine sends me my new journal, which could be days, weeks, or months from now.

I like suspense, but not in this case.

That's all I have for now. Perhaps soon something more interesting will happen.


New Year's Resolution #2

Okay, here is the second resolution that I wasn't able to finish posting about yesterday. My second resolution is to commit to a journal everyday, whether it be in words, sketches, or just imagining I have it, emitting the same thought vibes necessary for journaling when the physical act of writing was not possible. Long resolution, I know.

Now, onto the juicy novel.

Every year, my great uncle gives myself, my sister, and my cousins gift cards to Barnes&Noble. This is one of the highlights of my year. I received my card, and I went to the store. I had reserved a copy of "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" (nerdy, I know), but I still had a good chunk of gift card left. Being a journal enthusiast, I decided to purchase my very first Moleskine notebook and see what all the fuss was about. I had been looking for a good journal for a long time anyway.

I brought my drawing book and large, black hard cover plain Moleskine notebook home. Though the drawing book got used right away, my Moley sat in its plastic wrap on my desk for most of a week. Being a sappy moron, I was allowing myself to get extra giggly over this particular journal. Finally, I opened the package.

After obsessing about the cover and elastic band for an unhealthy amount of time, I opened the cover. And I was devastated to find that the inside cover had several dark spots ingrained in the paper. I flipped through the pages to find many more dark flecks, light flecks, large flecks, small flecks, some pages with no flecks, other pages with colonies of flecks...

Now, I have never owned a Moleskine before (meaning, I didn't know if flecks were just the way these notebooks were or if it was a real problem), but even the poorest constructed journals I have purchased have been more fleck-free than this. Using the handy-dandy quality control number inserted into my Moley, I sent an e-mail to Moleskine. The way I figured it, if it was a problem with the manufacturing, then I was helping the company learn of an issue. Within two days, I received a response, albeit the Moleskine standard response (though no less well received for it), apologizing for the mistake and telling me that they will send me a new notebook.

I am pleased with the fast response I received to my initial notification. We will see how fast my new notebook arrives. From the blogs I've read about varying quality control issues, it could be days or months. I will post an update when it does arrive. (In case you care...)

Anyway, so while Resolution #2 is on hold, I've had quite the interesting reason for it. It's an interesting ride to say the least!

I'll leave you alone now. :)


Happy New Year a Day Late!

While the list and thought box updated yesterday, I couldn't think of a new poll. And since I couldn't think of a new poll, I didn't feel like posting. So, now that I have a poll, I will briefly explain it. I'm tired of listing my favorite things. So this time I'm going for the world's most "blank" categories for the month of January.

IMPORTANT: If NONE of the topics are INTERESTING to you, please vote for the FINAL selection. After a week is over, I will put a new poll up for different topics.

Otherwise, this month will feature the most voted for selections from this poll, and the rest of the polls will be for fun things. Your participation does matter if you want interesting lists. If you don't care, melted candy bars for you!

If you were curious about the last poll, I was polling for topics that you found interesting, because I was debating trying a webcomic this year. The results were surprising to me, though I think it could have been swayed by people not knowing what the poll was for. In any case, with a little help, I found an alternative topic. Thank you for your time, though! It was very helpful!

And where does this topic lead us? To New Year's Resolutions! I have two, though one is long-winded. The first one concerns the aforementioned webcomic. I'm going to try creating a webcomic that will update weekly. Because I'm getting back into the college setting, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do more than that to start. As more time becomes available, I'll update more frequently. The update day has not been decided (thought I'm leaning toward Sunday or Monday), but I am going to try to host it on another site. So bear with me, and I will post a link here when it arrives.

Resolution number two is a long story, and I have a rehearsal I must get to. I'll post it later tonight. Till then!