

I am watching movies with a friend, so I am just posting an obligatory Friday post! Have fun and be safe, all!


Blah Day

Today is "Blah Day", at least in my little corner of the world. Just overall not a very happy day, though that's not to say it was all horrible beyond belief, either. I'm watching "Up" to help lift my spirits. (Oh-hoh! So punny!)

I don't really have anything else to add. Thanks for reading this Blah post!


End of Hiatus

Many apologies for the lack of updates. Time is hard to organize, and by the time I remember to come and update the blog, I'm in the middle of five other tasks. I do intend to get back to updating fairly regularly, and I will get back to updating lists and polls.

I'm going to try updating on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays starting today. If I update more, yay for extra updates!

I'm in a biology class called Organismal Diversity, and the professor wants us to bring in dust (and record the location) so we can look at dust mites. Whoopie. Oh how I would love to doodle an image of my facial expression right now. It looks something like this: >:|

And we get to bring a spider after Spring Break too. Oh boy. >:|

I should probably start paying attention now. Until Wednesday, good day!